MAQ! Holiday Extravaganza Clue #8 and #8B

Whew!  What a busy day yesterday.  MAQ (Mid-Appalachian Quilters) moved to Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA) and it was an adjustment for all of us, including us teachers.   Change is hard, however the Board has performed a great job in answering every crisis!  The campus is beautiful.  We had a great ice cream social last night.  It was wonderful catching up with so many of you!

Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, several of my MAQers even brought me a cupcake and had half the Ice Cream social sign me Happy Birthday.  As a Quilt Instructor, I'm often on the road for my birthday, my husband's birthday, my wedding anniversary.... you get the picture.  So, a special thank you to my husband for putting up with me being away on so many special occasions.

So, next, I have to apologize for two things.

  • One, I underestimated my time this week.  I failed to get the second Sunset on the Sound slide show completed between family, the early Birthday celebration, getting ready and traveling to MAQ.  Plus, I still have  quilts photos being sent to me as of this morning.  So, I will take all quilts received since the last slide show through today, and get them into a slide show for next week.  Thank you all for your patience.  Starting tomorrow, I will collect quilts for a possible third slide show, we will see how many I received and go from there.  
  • Two, I failed to take photos of my completed Clue #8 Blocks prior to leaving the house yesterday.  I thought I packed them, but it seems they were in the bag that I decided to leave behind, thinking there wasn't anything I really needed it in.  So, I will share the graphics below, and update the post later.  Sorry.  I'm human. 😄
Similar to last week, with MAQ taking place, I elected to forego a new technique to the Holiday Extravaganza Series.   I know many of you are with me at MAQ, plus since I'm at MAQ, it is difficult for me to answer a lot of questions that new techniques usually spark.  Don't worry, you still have work to do this week!  

Holiday Extravaganza ~ Clue #8 ~Shaded Four-Patch Five

Clue #8  Block #8 ~ Shaded Four Patch Five

We will be making four more Shaded Four Patch Five blocks.

Clue #8- Shaded Four-Patch Five

You will be make (4) Shaded Four-Patch Five Blocks, with the Tucker Trimmer tools from Studio 180 Design.   Many of you will remember that you made (4) Shaded Four-Patch Five Blocks in Clue #5.  Therefore, for tips and tricks, I'm going to refer you to Clue #5 Blog Post.

As stated in the download, Clue #8 produces the same Block as Clue #5.  You can make 
these 4 Blocks with the same fabric as Clue #5 or with fabrics of similar color and value (I chose to make them with similar color and value).  It is very important, so I will say it again... that the fabrics are similar in color and value as Clue #5.

Here are my Holiday fabric selection for Clue #5 side by side with Clue #8.

Here are my Vintage Christmas fabric selection, Clue #5 side by side with Clue #8.

Notice how they are the same colors and value.

So, I have more!    You will notice that you have two clues; Clue #8 and #8B download.  Clue #8B will provide you will instructions for you to put together (2) sets of Borders together.  This will give you some insight into the Holiday Extravaganza Medallion Quilt.  Please, only sew together the Blocks that are stated in the download.  You will not be use all the blocks that you've made so far.  Plus, do not sew these Borders to the center. 
Border B1 ~ Make 2

Border B2 ~ Make 2
Also, if you haven't join in the fun of this Holiday Extravaganza quilt, now would be a great time to join in, if you haven't already.  Or, convince a friend to join in.  

As of today, you can purchase Clues #1-8B (including the by week) for just $10 in my Etsy shop: Purchase HERE.   So, if you want to join in, or know someone that wishes they joined earlier, tell them to get started now!  They should be able to catch up in no time!

That is for this week, I have to get to breakfast and class.  I think I gave you enough to keep you busy!

Be sure to follow my Facebook page for updates on my MAQ Class.  It is a 3 Day O-Hi-O-My Star Class!  We are going to have some fun!  

Keep stitching,


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