Clue #19 - Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Clue #19 Ain't No Mountain High Enough - This Block is really going to make our Group #7 shine!

This is a really fun block to make.  We are making 2 sets of Diamond Triangles and we are going to have 3 Companion Triangles in each unit.  This block uses three fabrics. 

See what I mean, it allows our Build Me Up Buttercup to shine.
Group 7 of my A Blooming Bunch Version

Group 7 of my Peacock Galore Version

While this is a pretty easy Block to construct, the lack of seams in our Companion Triangle can cause some trickiness in our Block Construction.  So let me give you a few tips. 

2 Sets of Diamond Triangle Units and Companion Triangles

Be careful as the Diamond Triangles get trimmed differently.

Make sure to center your Unit A with your Companion Triangles when stitching them together.

When trimming the Companion Triangle, you will need to pay close attention and actually line up the A Unit with the Centerline.  Right handed above.  Left handed below.

You will need to use the Unit points and dog ears to ensure these units come together evenly. 

Top of the Block

Same for the bottom, you must rely on the Unit points and dog ears.  Take your time to ensure they line up well.

We only have one point here, but we need to be careful to make sure we are still properly lining up the top and bottom. 

Trim down should line up well if you paid attention on previous points.

Tada! I love these Mountains.

Next for Group 7A and 7BB - Peacock Galore

You will want to precision pin those 3 points and the 2 seams to ensure they line up.

Fabulous!  Love it!

I can't wait to see your Groups in the Facebook Group

That is it for today, I have to finish getting ready for my Sleep in Your Bed Retreat at the Yankee Quilter. 


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