Heard it Through the Grapevine is Block 23

BLOCK 23!!!   I Heard it Through the Grapevine is Block 23! A new to the series block.  It is a lot of fun!

I Heard it Through the Grapevine 

Group #11

This week, I'm on my first travel event since Covid, and it is great to be back in the classroom with Quilters!  We are having a blast here!  

Land Ahoy Las Vegas 2021

Check out my Facebook page to see all the fun we are having!

I Heard it Through the Grapeview is made up of two units.  

Units B and A

Units A get split for trimming.

I heard it through the Grapevine comes together very similar to Clue #22.  I do recommend marking those B Units when construction the Top, Bottom and Block  

Group 11 has several precision points that should be pinned when constructing.  Take your time.

Tada!  Group 11!

Only 1 more set of Blocks and Groups, then the reveal!

I must get ready for class today, we are having FUN FRIDAY!

Remember next week is the Open Enrollment for my next Mystery, Holiday Sensation!  More information here:  HOLIDAY SENSATION

Keep stitching,


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