Under the weather! Unexpected repeat of Block 3!

Sorry all, I'm down with a horrible sinus infection and I apologize, I've missed posting Friday.  I was hoping to feel better by now, but I'm still struggling.

Therefore, you are getting an unexpected repeat of Block 3, Windmill.  I was hoping to save this for my next catch-up week, but I will have to come up with another block.  Thank you all for your patience.

Block 3 is a Windmill Block.  The Windmill block, in its simplest form, is thought to date back to mid-1700s. The Windmill block probably has over a hundred variations.  In just my grandmother’s clippings and my reference materials, I found over 25 variations.  I selected this variation due to its uniqueness.   This clipping is referenced as Grandmother’s Patchwork Quilt Design, Book 20, 1931.  Which I love, because I had a Windmill block quilt growing up, I always thought it was a Pinwheel block, but it wasn't.  Maybe next week, we will talk about the differences as Block 17 may uncover some clues.

We will be using our Studio 180 Design Tucker Trimmer again, to make these units.  I love all that you can do with just one tool!

For my Fabric Selection 1, I went with a Triadic color plan based of my Turquoise (9), placing it with a Magenta (17) and Yellow (1).  I love it!  Just a reminder these color tab numbers are from the Color Wheel.

If you are interested in learning more about my paper plate and storage tips, make sure to go back and read the entire Block 3 post here: https://sewonthego.blogspot.com/2018/01/block-3-timeless-with-twist-windmill.html

For those of you that changed color ways, it might be nice to make another Windmill Block, for those of you that missed.  Get busy!  Download block 3:  CLICK HERE.

I can't wait to feel like my old self, hopefully this week!  Thanks for all the well wishes.

Keep stitching,


  1. Thank you so much I think I joined this group on Week 9. Really like all the tips along the way.


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