Block 8 - Black Beauty!
Yeah! I love this block. Black Beauty, by Nancy Cabot, appeared in the Chicago Tribune , July 14, 1933. This is one of those blocks that has been known by several names, but rarely seen. Block 8 - Michelle's Fabric Selection 1 In 1938, Nancy Cabot herself, published this block under another name, Stars and Stripe, again in the Chicago Tribune . Nancy Page, published it as Dover Square, in the Birmingham News , in 1943, which is around the same time the original Black Beauty movie came out, so you wonder if that had anything to do with Nancy Page calling it by a different name. Block, after block, I find references to Nancy Cabot and Nancy Page publishing similar blocks, often by different names, sometimes within the same year or only a short time apart. It makes you wonder what those two ladies thought of each other, or did then even know of each other given the distance. Block 8 - F...