Holiday Extravaganza Clue #6.... some homework...

Earlier in the week, I spent a few days with the Lady Bug Quilt Guild of Newark, DE. What a great group! I gave my When Life Gives you Fat Quarters lecture on Monday evening. On Tuesday, the ladies worked on my Sparkle pattern and everyone did a fabulous job. We were so busy sewing that I didn't get as many photos as I usually do, but you can check them out on my Facebook Page . I'm in the process of getting organized and prepare for the Vermont Quilt Festival next week. I still have room in most of my classes, if anyone is interested I'd love to see you in class! Speaking of VQF, it is an event fill week. The teachers set up on Tuesday, it runs through Saturday. The teachers have 2 evenings of participation in addition our all day classes. So, I planned a Bye-Week next week.... However, I'm giving you some homework. 😁 Clue # 6 ~ Block 6 ~ Lemoyne as Triangle Block Block #6 ~ Lemoyne as Triangle ~ Both of my Fabr...