Block 43 is Lemon Star and Glazed Lemon Cookies!

Block 43, Lemon Star, by Ruth Finley, was published in Old Patchwork Quilts and the Women Who Made Them , in 1929. This block is made up of a traditional Lemoyne Star and framed with border and cornerstones. Block 43 ~ Lemon Star ~ Michelle's Fabric Selection 1 This block was later published as Diamond Cluster in a Frame, in the Kansas City Star, on March 21, 1956. What is funny, is that the 1956 clipping included a Lemoyne Cookie recipe. I wonder if an editor changed the name of the block at the last minute, or if the Lemon Cookie recipe was a coincidence. Stephen and I have a tradition of making Lemon Cookies every Christmas, with fresh lemons from our Lemon Tree, we give them to those who provide a service to us all year through, and they are fabulous! I know this, as my mailman starts lingering around December 1st and each week after that (he deserves a few batches). The lemons are coming in now, so I know it is time to start baking...