
Showing posts from November, 2018

Block 43 is Lemon Star and Glazed Lemon Cookies!

Block 43, Lemon Star, by Ruth Finley, was published in Old Patchwork Quilts and the Women Who Made Them , in 1929.   This block is made up of a traditional Lemoyne Star and framed with border and cornerstones.  Block 43 ~ Lemon Star ~ Michelle's Fabric Selection 1 This block was later published as Diamond Cluster in a Frame, in the Kansas City Star, on March 21, 1956.  What is funny, is that the 1956 clipping included a Lemoyne Cookie recipe.  I wonder if an editor changed the name of the block at the last minute, or if the Lemon Cookie recipe was a coincidence. Stephen and I have a tradition of making Lemon Cookies every Christmas, with fresh lemons from our Lemon Tree, we give them to those who provide a service to us all year through, and they are fabulous!  I know this, as my mailman starts lingering around December 1st and each week after that (he deserves a few batches).  The lemons are coming in now, so I know it is time to start baking...

Block 42 ~ Christmas Star!

Block 42 is Christmas Star!  Christmas Star, by Eveline Foland, was published in Kansas City Star, on December 19, 1931.  Block 42 ~ Christmas Star ~ Michelle's Fabric Selection 1 This block is made up of Diamond Rectangles, and four shades of Half Square Triangles crisscrossing the center.  This block was later published as Snowflake, also by Eveline Foland in Feb 23, 1933.  In just exploring my grandmotherā€™s clippings, I found over 15 blocks reference as the Christmas Star, however this version I found to be my favorite.  It is extremely unique, I for one have never seen it, and therefore felt it had to be included.  While it will test your piecing skills, is totally worth it. The shading of the Half Square Triangles and Squares drives the eye outward creating great depth in the block. This block comes together using the Diamond Rects and Tucker Trimmer 1 , given the number of Half Square Triangles, we are going to use the Eight at Once meth...

Block 41 ~ Baton Rouge Block

Block 41 is Baton Rouge Block in my Timeless with a Twist Series! It was published in Ladies Art Company in 1922.  Block 41 ~ Baton Rouge Block ~ Michelle's Fabric Selection 1 This block is made up of Diamond Rectangles and Shaded four-patch units.   The Diamond Rects are made with dual-colored side triangles.  The block was also published as just "Baton Rouge", in 1934, by Nancy Page, in the Birmingham News.  However, this is not the Baton Rouge Square, that is a different block.  This block, the Baton Rouge Block, is a perfect block to use a large-scale print in the large center square. With its clean lines, this block would make a great alternate block, as it creates a fabulous secondary design, without stealing the staging from a main block.  Classic, elegant and timeless, just like its namesake the city of Baton Rouge. This week, I went with a split-complementary plan for both of my fabric selections.  For my first fabric selecti...

Block 40 ~ Periwinkle & Sunset on the Sound (Mystery)

Block 40, Periwinkle, by Nancy Page, was published in Birmingham News on March 12, 1935.  Block 40 ~ Periwinkle ~ Michelle's Fabric Selection 1 This block is made up of Diamond Rectangles and Corner Beams.  I absolutely love the movement!  This block is most likely a revolution of the Shooting Star (Ladies Art Company, 1897).  Replacing the basic squares of the Shooting Star, with Corner Beams, creates Periwinkle. When putting the Diamond Rectangles together, alternating one of the side triangles creates that center secondary design.   A perfect name for this block, just like a Periwinkle flower, this block is classic (timeless) yet whimsical. If you are following along with the series, you know how to make Diamond Rects and Corner Beam.  If you need a refresher, check out the blog post for Block 38 for a Diamond Rect pictorial and blog post for Block 17 . For the my first fabric selection, I went with a split-complementary color pla...

Timeless with a Twist ~ Setting 3 ~ Vivacious!

A bonus download this week for those following along with my Timeless with at Twist Series, the 3rd quilt setting option! Vivacious! Vivacious ~ Timeless with a Twist ~ By Michelle Renee Hiatt This Quilt Setting uses any thirty (30) Timeless with a Twist Blocks and is a Queen Size quilt (90" x 105").   You will make  Cornerstones and Sashing with V Block and (Newer) SquareĀ²   (Or Large Square Squared ).

Block 39 ~ Storm at Sea & Blog Project 2019!

Block 39, Storm at Sea, by Evelyn Foland, was published in Kansas City Star , on May 14, 1932. B39 ~ Storm at Sea ~ Michelle's Fabric Selection 1  This block is made up of Diamond Rectangles, SquareĀ³ (Square-in-a-Square-in-a-Square or Stacked Squares) and SquareĀ² (Square-in-a-Square).   Storm at Sea is also known as Ocean Waves (Laura Wheeler, Cincinnati Enquirer , September 6, 1933) and Rolling Stones (Laura Wheeler, Cincinnati Enquirer , March 8, 1935).  Iā€™ve always known this block as the Storm at Sea, so I was surprised by the Rolling Stone reference.  However, based on fabric placement, I could see how it could create that illusion.