Not your Grandmother's Dresden - Part 1

I've always loved Dresden Plate Quilts and wanted to start one. There are all these neat tools out there, so a few weeks back I tested a few, using a few scraps. This would be a 24" Block. I found that I liked the Trace and Create template. Although I modified the technique a bit. I plan to teach a class in a few weeks at Pennington Quilt Works, so I created a plan in EQ7. Then I picked out 20 fat quarters, a turquoise solid for the sashing and navy for center and cornerstones. I'm going to have 16 blocks, with 20 fans. I determined that I wanted to make 12" blocks. So, I check the pie template and found the 16" block marking. Determine that I needed 6.25 strips. First I cut off the selvage. Then I cut 6.25 x 18" strips. I determined I would get the best use of fabric by cutting parrell to the selvage. Then, I lined up the fans template, on the proper markings. Then, I placed...