Why I love Sampler Quilts

Most of you know that I love Sampler Quilts! Some of this love comes from my teaching, Sampler Quilts offer me a vehicle to teach my students techniques that they can then apply to their general quilt making. Blocks used in Sampler Quilts are a good way to do that, due to the variety of blocks utilized. However, my true love of Sampler quilts has it’s foundation with my Grandmother and her love of quilting. Michelle's Starburst Sampler - Taught in her Tucker Tool Time Pattern Series My Grandmother was a drapery seamstress and frequently had scraps or remnants, as she called them. She applied the more elaborate remnants, along with a surplus of embellishments, in her Crazy Quilts. Crazy Quilts are a topic and project for another day. Back to Sampler Quilts, which she made with her high-count cotton remnants. Some blocks were appliqued, but the majority were hand-pieced, and they were all different. I’d often sit with her while s...